
Notion, my Evernote option

Hello folks, here returning to blogging

I took recently a Domestika course called Techniques to improve your productivity, link over here , it's a Spanish course where they teach several techniques (Eat the frog, Pomodoro, GTD, things probably known by many). 

The main advantage I thought about the course, was that was focused in a new tool for me called Notion.

The idea is pretty cool because it has lot of features like several templates to organize and more beautiful fonts and templates compared with Evernote. If you are a visual person like me , if you have the chance to create more dynamic notes with nice designs, bullets, templates, etc and not simple plain text like Evernote, I think you can give it a try.

In terms of productivity is not the final solution but I think it has different modules that can cover many aspects like planning and note taking, so instead of use multiple tools, you can try to use a tool like this

It's available in most of the platforms and currently is getting in one of my favorite apps.

Some other reviews that can be helpful about this tool

Thanks for visiting !!!

